Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Search inside ourselves in the bamboo forest and understand the shrouded

history channel documentary science It was said, "Once the strange entryway is opened, Yama (lord of Hell) won't come after us. Our names will be expelled from Hell and enrolled in Heaven. The acknowledgment of the genuine self permits us to escape from the 'San Jie' (The three planes: the plane of Desires, the plane of Form and the plane of Formless) and we will have the capacity to sever from Yama. The puzzling entryway is an extremely valuable fortune. When it is found, it will prompt Heaven." The baffling entryway can't be unveiled on the grounds that it is a Heavenly mystery. In the teachings of Tao of Heaven, it is known as The Third Eye, The Divine Eye, The Dot or The Right Portal. Antiquated Saints, Sages, Immortals and Buddhas had obtained this puzzling entryway however they can't uncover it and can just desert certain adages as takes after:

Goddess of Mercy: "Search inside ourselves in the bamboo forest and understand the shrouded significance of the vase and the willow branches. The Bodhisattva dependably stays in the forest of the valley. Try not to abandon it for any minute on the off chance that we need to keep the Truth." Buddhist Scriptures: "Don't look for Buddha at far away places since Buddha is just inside ourselves; in spite of the fact that Heaven is far away, yet once we understand reality, Heaven is directly before us." Jesus Christ: "The individuals who did not convey their own cross and tail me, can't be my pupils." Every one of these citations said above are evidences of the secretive entryway. This is the most vital of the Three Heavenly Treasures. They cleared out clues in their books of teachings and sacred writings, with the goal that cultivators looking for the Truth can be edified. To put it plainly, the baffling entryway is likewise called Tao and to comprehend the significance amongst Tao and the "Cross" (cross) generous allude to my site under the page 'Cross and Tao' where Jesus Christ showed to demonstrate to us the relationship amongst 'Cross and Tao' by utilizing a bit of A4 paper. Words can't clarify the Truth or Tao and in the event that it can be clarified then it is not the Truth or Tao.

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