Tuesday, June 28, 2016

When you are admitted to Heaven you are issued a white robe and a corona

history channel documentary hd These "demonstrations of God" are past our capacity to control as people and are fundamentally unexplainable. It's simply something that God does. He has the force and the privilege to do what he needs, when he needs. He is the ruler. We are the subjects. We are separate from God.The spot where God lives is Heaven. Paradise is by and large considered as a spot that is over the earth. When you get to Heaven you can look down on earth and see what is going on. Be that as it may, you can't gaze upward from earth and see Heaven. It's sort of a two-way reflect thing.

When you are admitted to Heaven you are issued a white robe and a corona and a couple of wings that are joined to your back that permit you to fly. Other than those you essentially keep the same physical components you had on earth when you left. In Heaven your title changes from person to blessed messenger. You no more dwell on earth in human structure. You now live in Heaven as a blessed messenger. As a holy messenger, you are doled out great obligations yet dislike work in light of the fact that everything is dealt with for you.

Once in a while God utilizes holy messengers to do a reversal to earth to do extraordinary work for him. The circumstances would need to be simply a good fit for you to be picked to do earth work. While in Heaven you are glad all the time and your presence is sans anxiety. Every one of your needs are dealt with by God and the paradise staff and you joyfully go however endlessness as a blessed messenger.

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